How to Make Bootable Pendrive By Using Command Prompt

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Hello Folks,
This is MuthuB here. Today,I will be sharing an useful tip which might help you lot when you're trying to load operating system on your computer with help of your Pen Drive,Micro SD Card.

If you want to load operating system on your computer by using your Pen Drive or SD Card, then the first step you should perform to make your Pen Drive or SD Card as Bootable. For this, there are multiple ways and softwares which are available freely on the internet.

If you don't rely on such type of tools or don't get access to them, Then command prompt is an ultimate way to make your USB Pen Drive as Bootable. When compare to other methods this is an easy and efficient way as well. This is trick may be help you in an emergency where time & security is major concern.
How to Make Pen Drive As Bootable Using Command Prompt
How to Make Pen Drive As Bootable Using Command Prompt
Before getting started you must make sure that you don’t have any important data on your Pen Drive or SD Card because in this process it  is an important task to Format your Pen Drive  to make it as a bootable device using command prompt.So lets get started with the following steps.

Step #1
Plug the empty Pen Drive to your computer then open the Run program window by Pressing Windows(Start)+R or search it by the name of Run in all programs. You will get a small window at the left bottom corner of the display. As shown below.

Run Window Fig-1
Run Window Fig-1
Step #2
Type the keyword called cmd and  the  hit enter.
Now you will get command prompt program window as shown in Fig 2.
Command Prompt -Bootable Pen Drive
Command Prompt -Bootable Pen Drive
Step #3
Execute the following 7 commands on your computer to make your Pen Drive as bootable without any software tools.

List disk
Select disk 1
Create partition primary
Format fs=ntfs quick

Reference Fig.3
Al right! Now the Pen Drive is Bootable next,we''ll copy the OS files into it.
Step #4
Now copy the Operating Systems  files and paste it into the Pendrive as shown in the below Fig-4.
Copy File as shown in figure
Copy File as shown in above figure

Step #5
Once the data is copied successfully into the Pen Drive then reboot your computer & Go to Boot setting in BIOS by pressing Del or Esc or F2 or F9 or F10 or F12(varies with brand)
depends upon the Bios or Motherboard manufacturer this keys might be different for every one.

Set your pen drive as First boot device and then save it.Now your computer will restart automatically then boot from your pen drive.

I hope this could be the useful article for you.If you have any queries about this article please feel free to leave valuable feed backs via comments in comments section below.I am glad to help you and don't forget to share this article to friends via social media this let them gain knowledge like you. 

1 comment :

  1. This is great info you are sharing here, Actually many people are using this method to portable his or her pen drive, before reading this article i don't any idea for this type, once i am definitely trying this.. thanks
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